TIP# 1 Keep Your Softwares Up to Date

  • Outdated softwares are easy target for attackers. They can give direct remote access to attackers in some cases. Updating softwares is the critical part of security process.

  • Always have the latest security updates for your system.
  • Turn on automatic udpates for your windows.


TIP# 2 Beware of Suspicious Links

  • Clicking links can give away your details and even provide remote access to attackers. Phishing links are used to steal sensitive information like username and passwords.
  • Be suspicious of any official looking email and make sure to verify their source.
  • Find out where a link leads by submitting the url to wheregoes.com


TIP# 3 Avoid Cracked Softwares

Cracked softwares are mostly used to distribute malwares, latest malwares have the capability to bypass antivirus.


TIP# 4 Password Management

Password managers like Keepass and Revelation help you to create and store, unique and secure passwords.


TIP# 5 Never Leave Devices Unattended

  • Always keep your devices locked with some sstrong password.
  • Strong password is a mix of Uppercase, Lowercase, Numerals and Special characters.
  • Install tracking softwares on your devices so they can be found if lost or stolen.

TIP# 6 Always Have Backup

It is highly advisable to create a backup of important files in a separate offline media. A backup will help you in case of ransomware attacks.


TIP# 7 Secure Your Devices With an Antivirus

  • Antivirus and Antimalware will prevent your system from majority of virus and malwares. Install them from a trusted vendor.
  • Keep your solution updated with latest definitions.